what i leard
Jackey Michel
The lookouts have a new player her name is Jackey Michel . She is a new female pitcher . She just struck out Babe Ruth , next up is Lou Gehing strike 1 ,strike 2, strike 3 your out . Jackey amazing the fan with with her sinker ball . The fans are wound with exisitment .People are on the eage of there seats . All because of one 17 year old gril Jackey mechil . Jackey is rocking out there at chattanoogo statem . But when tony lazzeri get on the feld to bat for the yankes the coach calls her off the feld. She blose a kiss and gets off the feld.
stamp act taxes
All items that where printed in the stamp act where taxed. Like news papers ,playing cards ,and legal documents . People had to buy a stamp and the item they wanted to prove they payed the taxes . The colonists did not have to pay taxes before this . The parliament past this tax to pay there war debts .this made the colonists very mad at the parliament.
2014 and 2015
The time I will never for get from the year 2014 is the time ,my two
cosens ,my brother ,my father ,and I all went fishing . So this is how it happend my dad and brother and I got in my dad red truck . We where going to pick up my two cosen we did that and we went to lake o the pines it took about 45 minutes to get there. Once we got there we put bate on the hooks and stared casting . I caught the first one it was a sand bass it was also the biggest one. Then every one stared
ceching them .We caught 98 fish all where yellow belies and sand bass.
What I am looking forward to doing in 2015 is a better artest . I love art I want to be the best artest in the world but I will need to prates and get better at art .Art is like a pashin to me it is some thing i love to do . That is why I want to do more art and it is fun to see what you make when you get done with it.