November 4

Math Pod Of The Day

Davey and charlie shared half a box of crackers .  They each had 20 crackers. 

How meany crackers did the crackers box have when it was full ? 


80 is your answer because  the question says they shard half a box of crackers 

they each had 20 .  I multiplied 20 x 2 and got 40 because there are 2 kinds . 

Then I multiplied 40x 2 because they shard half a box of crackers and they each 

had 20 there two kids that’s why I got 40x 2 .  80 is your answer because 40×2=

80 .  you can also add. 

20×2=40×2=80   20+20=40+40=80      each kind had 20 cracker they shard half a box.    I am try to find out how many cracker are in the box .    Davey had 20 cariliey had 20

Posted November 4, 2013 by amoss in category Uncategorized